Friday 21 August 2015

COMPETING FILM POLL RESULTS - Octopussy vs Never Say Never Again

Looking at film and television. Sometimes two very similar films come out close together, let's see which one is better...

The first Competing Film Showdown was competing 1983 Bond films, and like every time there was a reader's poll.  Here are the results so far...

Round 1 - Title ~ Never Say Never Again.
Round 2 - Plot ~ Never Say Never Again.
Round 3 - Action Never Say Never Again.
Round 4 - Effects ~ Tie.
Round 5 - Characters & Actors ~ Octopussy.
Round 6 - Gadgets & Vehicles ~ Tie.
Round 7 - Bond Film vs Bond Film ~ Octopussy.
Round 8 - Does It Hold Up Never Say Never Again.
Round 9 - Moral Victor  ~ Tie.
Round 10 - Box Office  ~ Octopussy.
Round 11 - Ratings ~ Never Say Never Again.
Round 12 - Showdown Reviews Octopussy.

Never Say Never Again - 6.5 (5 wins, 3 ties)
Octopussy - 5.5 (4 wins, 3 ties)

Round 13
First 10 results.

Never Say Never Again - 4.5 (4 wins, 1 tie)
Octopussy - 2.5 (2 wins, 1 tie)


Never Say Never Again - 11 (9 wins, 4 ties)
Octopussy - 8 (6 wins, 4 ties)

Never Say Never Again currently in front.

To vote on these two films:

Also remember to pick the two films to be reviewed next.

~ DUG.